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Selectmen Minutes 08/27/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – August 27, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order: –  Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
6:15 – Forester, Karla Allen
  • Tree Debris Clean up - Ms. Allen was present to review the request for proposal (RFP) for the December storm debris cleanup with the Board.  Ms. Allen recommended preparing a map of where the exact trees are that need work.  Discussed and reviewed the proposed contract.  The RFP will be put in the paper next week, loggers who had previously bid on the job and will be mailed an RFP as well.
Mr. Ellis will be requested to be present when they do the showing and also to be at the Selectmen’s Meeting when the bids are open.  Ms. Allen will be present for opening of bids.
  • Cemetery Lot - Ms. Allen has spoken to Denise Frazier from the Dept. of Environmental Services and discussed the cemetery lot.  The Town will need a site specific plan, needs plans for slopes as well as a reclamation plan must be on file with the State prior to issuing any permits.
At a later date, the Planning Board will be notified and a meeting will be scheduled between the Planning Board & the Selectboard to discuss this excavation project.  There is no rush on this meeting, as there are many steps to take before it reaches the Planning Board level.
6:30 – Recreation Coordinator, Stephanie Lamothe - Update for Recreation
  • Prepayment on checks – Mrs. Lamothe discussed she is finding not all vendors will accept a purchase order, in the future she will request an invoice first when placing orders, get a check cut and pay for items that way.  Selectmen discussed this matter and this request was unanimously approved, 3-0.
  • Beaches – There are concerns about non-residents utilizing Greenfield beaches.  In 2010 Stephanie asked that there be more diligence from the police for assurance that people at the beaches are Greenfield residents.  Rules need to be established to strongly enforce the monitoring of the beaches.  There have been several weekends there were out of town people and out of State people at the beaches.  The beaches are filthy with diapers, alcohol bottles, cigarettes, clothes; this needs to be monitored better.  Discussion followed about charging non-residents for beach use; the Town does have an ordinance that will be enforced next year.
  • Fall programs – Programs that will be offered are a mothers group, knitting workshops, community potluck supper, programs for the seniors, humanities lectures and a Halloween party.  She would like to start a program “One book One Town”; this program may receive a grant to sponsor the reading program.  Stephanie will work with the Librarian, so as not to overlap with anything the Library is doing.
  • Playground – Everyone present brainstormed as to what to do with the playground.  The report from LGC should be available by next week.

6:45 – in accordance with RSA 91A:3 II ( c) – reputation - Motion by Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren – voted: 3-0
7:15 – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren – voted: 3-0 - No decisions were made.
7:37 – Town Energy Committee – Diane Boilard & Roger Lessard
Ms. Boilard & Mr. Lessard wanted to meet with the Board to see how things are moving forward with the insulation and lighting.  Selectmen informed them that JA Jubb has been contracted to do the insulation and will begin work the week of September 14th.  Discussion followed regarding getting the town involved with being more energy efficient globally, not just the Municipality but residents within their home as well.  Discussion followed about getting the TEC to provide support and educate the residents about energy efficiency.  They discussed utilizing the Spirit, website, holding work bees and other ways of getting the message out.  Selectmen support this effort.
Day discussed that in the past PSNH has offered a grant for small community projects.  Options of projects were discussed.
Discussed heating fuel bills for 2008-2009 heating season – Deb will look into why there was an extra delivery of oil in January 2009 and report back to the Board.
Discussed maintenance of all buildings and how things should be followed through with.  A tickler list of projects that need to be followed through with was discussed.  A checklist for each department that would allow for a follow through, designating one person from each department to be in charge of their departmental projects.
Heating loss at buildings was discussed.  In the future the TEC will notify the Selectmen if they have any concerns
Streetlights were discussed, concerns that streetlights should only be within the village.  Privately owned streetlights are another matter.  TEC recommends any of the lights outside of the village area to be turned off.  Selectmen took this recommendation under advisement.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the August 11, 2009 minutes as written.
Sign Documents:
Signatures –
Selectmen signed the following documents:
  • A/P invoices
  • Appointments – an appointment was signed for Jan Moller to become the Trustee of Cemetery/Trust Funds to fill the vacancy.

  • Piscataquog Land Conservancy
  • More-Tite Insulation
  • EcoSafe Insulation
Insulation Bid Award – Selectmen reviewed the insulation bids at their previous meeting.  Selectmen Day motioned to award the insulation bid to JA Jubb, seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 – Jubb will begin work the week of September 14, 2009.
Old Business:
Buxton – Milford Assessment of Wood Kiln at Wilkins Lumber was discussed.  Deb will also contact the Town of Henniker to see how they assess the wood kiln at HHP.
Assessments via disk – After speaking with Mark Stetson from Avitar, Deb reported this data could not be given out via disk.  If someone wants the information, they need to contact Avitar and pay $100.00/ each community they wish to access the data for, via the Internet.  The Town has the ability to print reports for people or a resident, realtor, appraiser etc. can print property cards for .75/copy.  If the information were to be provided via disk, the person requesting the data would need to have the Avitar Software at their home to run the disk.
Slip Road Culvert – The resident from Slip Road has asked to have an appointment with the Selectmen.  Selectmen will offer to meet with this resident on September 10th
Gravel – Selectmen received a letter from Dr. Miner, this letter was discussed. Due to the nature of the response, the Board is not sure if Dr. & Mrs. Miner even received the Board’s letter.  Selectman Adams will contact Dr. & Mrs. Miner to discuss the intent of the Town.
New business:
Mail - Selectmen reviewed the miscellaneous mail
Culverts – Karen discussed she and Selectman Kullgren had a chance meeting during the storm.  While they were both out reviewing the roads, they ran into each other and Mr. Ellis who discussed the culverts on Cavender Road are in need of replacement.  All three Selectmen are in agreement that Mr. Ellis can move forward with replacing the culverts that need replacing.
Stimulus – The e-mail received from Peter Lieshman explaining the Stimulus funds was briefly discussed.
Site Plan Reviews – Selectman Adams stated at a Planning Board meeting the topic of businesses that do not have Site Plan Reviews in town was briefly discussed.  Selectmen need to discuss these businesses with Code Officer, Peter Hopkins.  Selectman Adams will discuss this with Peter Hopkins and ask him to come to a meeting in the near future.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - Selectmen would like to review the Police & Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures.  This is an effort to be educated as to what the procedures are for these departments.
Adjournment:  With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.  The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 5:30 pm.